Busan, So. Korea
April 13, 2013
The powerpoint from this presentation can be viewed here:
I remember the day my heart was truly broken.
My friend and I had an amazing adventure!
My parents are great people, but they are not perfect.
I want to ask God a question. “God, I was wondering…”
I look so different today than I did a few years ago.
I saw a box on a street corner, and it was moving. When I looked inside,
Here is my list of 100 things that make me happy!
People like me shouldn’t…
The day I was born was an auspicious day…
I wish I had said…
My deepest regret is…
I’m the kind of person who…
My greatest fear is…
I saw true courage once.
There aren’t many things worth dying for.
Fairy tales are a big fat lie!
I saw someone recently and wanted to meet them.
I wish someone would invent…
There was one time I was so amazingly stupid!
There was one thing that destroyed my confidence.
If I were to die tomorrow,
I wonder what would happen if…
I like to play with words, play music, play sports. How many ways can I play?
If I could wake up anywhere in the world tomorrow, I’d
wake up in…
Before I die, there is one place I really want to visit.
I had the strangest dream…
I am going to write a recipe for…
My favorite piece of art is…
Nobody ever noticed…
My body is really making me mad.
Criticism is a double edged sword…
I read a book once that really spoke to my soul.
I don’t want to write today.
Let me tell you about my house.
Why can’t I…
I always forget…
I am soooooo fabulous!
I try hard, and I still fail.
The best gift I ever gave someone…
If I found a wallet on the street,
Everything I ever really needed to know…
I really love some things about myself.
I saw a really strange person one day.
My most prized possession came into my life…
Alcoholism is very different from social drinking.
An accident changed my life.
If there is one habit that makes me bonkers, it’s…
I get a lot of energy from…
I couldn’t live without…. (or) I don’t want to live
Once, I did this really great thing. Nobody knows about it. Shhh!
It’s a secret!
I took a deep breath, and I felt transported back to my
It is important to protect…
The worst thing anyone ever did to me was…
I wanna be a rock / movie / sports star!
One time I was really mean to someone.
I can’t wait to …
I lost my keys one time…
Controversies are really…
What I truly want is…
I feel like the most amazing person in the world when…
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