First, I show the students this video. Then we read the manifesto. Each student works with another student. They each alternatively read one sentence.
After giving a few examples of what a person's passion is - the thing we spend our time, energy and money on - the students are instructed to write a list of 50 things they love TO DO. Making it action oriented makes them think more about WHY they love it.
Then they look at their list and put a star by 5 or so things that they love to do the most.
We do a round robin or cocktail party like exercise in which each student talks for 1-1.5 minutes about one of the things they starred. Their partner then talks for the same length of time.
Change partners and talk about a different thing from the starred list.
At the end, we look at the list. Are they majoring in what they love? Are they spending time doing the thing that is their passion? If not, challenge them to make their lives more passionate.
The Holstee Manifesto:
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